Greetings, I am Dan and this is my very own website. Here you'll find my web project with my inane
ramblings and whatever rubbish I'm going to throw on it.
Why I hear you ask?
Becouse frick you thats why!
I created Webpage 1990 Colourised because I really liked the look of geocities pages and I thought it would be cool and fun to have my own little slice of the web, it would also pass the time and allow me to practise my radical HTML, JavaScript & CSS skillz. This webpage is under construction so remember to check on it every now and then. I just might have added something new and super cool... or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you find yourself on here, good job! Clearly you have
one of the coolest sites
and you know what
if you would like to return the favour or would
like to find
yourself up with all these other
cool folk, you could add my button to
your lovely
webpage. I would be
eternally grateful for it.
Add me HERE
"Gaming and
coding bro!"
21 years old
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Warhammer 40,000, Computers and History
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About me:
I will be honest, I'm not the best at talking about myself but I'm going to give it a go. So
lets start of with my website curator experience, I have a couple years of non professional
experience under my belt fiddling with webdev since it was introduce to me at collage. From
there I spent my spare time in the course learing html and eventualy creating the website
looking at now!
Another of my interests is Warhammer 40,000. Set in the 40th millennium hence the name.
Warhammer 40k is a Grimdark si-fi world created by Rick Priestley in 1987, and I think it's
coolest shizzle ever. As a kid I always thought model villages were awesome and then I found
about the table top game 40k, and then I found my wallet empty and my shelves filled with
toy solders some of which you might find in a gallery that may or may not exist. Anywho
worth it!
Other than that I would like to say I'm a chill cool dude just looking to express himself
creatively through the mediums of web design and miniature painting, and I hope that that
satisfies your need for information on this websites curator. Thanks for reading and have a
nice day.
☮Dan♥ has 0 friends.