blog zone

Welcome to the blog zone. This is where I'm going to write all my bable for you lot to read.

Oh my God! Is this it? The Blog that I had a button on my homepage for? Since Apirl last year?
Yes, the very same. I finaly got around to getting a working blog page and would like to thank our sponsors at Zonelets for helping make this happen.
Zonelets has no association with Webpage-1990-Colourised
Now I just need to write stuff for said blog. Hmmm much more tricky than first thought. Saying that I'm not the best at writing in the first place is going to become rather trite I'm sure as I have said it here and will probably say it again elsewhere, but that combined with the inspiration to write not coming to my beckoning cry this whole blogging business is going to be slow going.

Anyway welcome welcome take a seat and check in once or twice a year and you just might have somthing to read about.
